Magenest JSC
1 min readJan 17, 2023


The landscape of eCommerce is always changing, and it’s important to be aware of the emerging trends that make up its overall evolution. With the disruption of COVID-19, new trends have emerged, and the eCommerce landscape is transforming. B2B companies are implementing new strategies to adapt to a changing market and keep up with new trends and customer expectations each year. In this blog, we’ll discuss the top emerging B2B eCommerce trends which are a mix of tech, consumer and business developments as well as some key calls to action for B2Bs to optimize their eCommerce strategy. Let’s get started!

Market overview and impressive B2B eCommerce statistics

Overview of B2B eCommerce market

The coronavirus outbreak caused widespread chaos around the world, and businesses quickly realized that restricting physical contact while maintaining business continuity was the most important thing they could do. This paved the way for extraordinary growth in eCommerce sales as well as business growth across all industries. The number of online shoppers in 2019 was expected to be 1.92 billion. That’s nearly a quarter of the world’s population or a billion people. Only 58% of the world’s population has access to the internet, which means that people with internet access are more likely to use it for shopping.

According to a recent report, the worldwide B2B eCommerce industry is predicted to increase at a CAGR of 18.7% from 2021 to 2028, with a market value of USD 6.64 trillion in 2020.




Magenest JSC

Magenest JSC is a full-scale digital solution provider with a special focus on eCommerce, ERP, CRM, Cloud Infrastructure… Website: